The Milestone System – How to Avoid Scams When Freelancing

In this article, you’ll learn how to avoid scams when freelancing.

Have you ever thought about hiring people, but were afraid of paying a lot of money and getting scammed?

Or maybe you’ve wanted to open your commissions as a freelancer, but were afraid that you’d get scammed.

Let me introduce you to something I use with my Roblox scripting commissions, called the milestone system.

By using the milestone system, you will intelligently avoid scams.

What is the Milestone System?

The Milestone System for a Large Project

The milestone system is essentially a system where you take a large task, like scripting an entire game, and break it down into milestones with deadlines.

Here’s an example, let’s say that Bob reached out to me and wanted a Roblox simulator game scripted, and we agreed that I’d script it for $1000.

Instead of Bob paying me $1000 right away, we break this large task of scripting the entire game up into smaller subtasks, which I call milestones.

Using the milestone systems for a large feature to avoid scams when freelancing.

So, his game might need the following systems:

  • Pet System – Players can equip pets that follow you
  • Currency System – Players can see how much gold they have
  • Currency Collection – Players can collect currency when they walk up to gold models and their pets attack them.
  • Shop system – Players can buy gold with robux in packs.
  • Map system – Players need a certain amount of gold to proceed to the next map

We’d agree on one system and a deadline for that specific system.

So, let’s say that Bob feels that the pet system is the most important thing to start with.

Bob and I would agree on a deadline, say 1 week and we’d take a part of that $1,000, like maybe $200.

Keep reading to learn how this helps you avoid scams when freelancing.

The Milestone System for a Smaller Project

So at this point, $200 is the agreed upon price for just the pet system.

But you can split this $200 into milestones as well.

Instead of Bob paying me the $200 right away and me working on the entire pet system, we can split that $200.

Maybe the pet system is comprised of:

  • A Pet database
  • Pets following you without colliding into environments
  • Pets playing their own animations
  • The ability to rename a pet
Using the milestone system for a Roblox game with a pets feature to avoid scams when freelancing.

Then, using the milestone system for a feature, Bob would pay me 25% of the $200 right away. That is $50.

And I’d work on finishing the first part of the pet system. That is, the Pet database. Maybe he has 200 pets that he needs to have in a database.

Once that’s done, I’d show him that it’s all set up, and he’d pay me the next 25%. I’d give him the database after that payment.

Then, I’d work on pets following my character without colliding into environments.

And show him that, and he’d give me the 25%.

And so on, until the pet system is done.

Freelancing with a Milestone System Will Help You Avoid Scams

I really enjoy using the milestone system because it will minimize risk and help you avoid scams as a freelancer.

For Clients:

  • Instead of paying a lot of money right away, clients can feel safe that they are only risking a very small amount (instead of risking $1,000 for an entire game, they are only worried about the $50).
  • At every step of the milestone, they get some sort of work from the freelancer. Instead of waiting months for the final product, every few days or so, they get a small part of their desired product. This relieves them, because they will see updates from the freelancer very often.
  • Because clients see updates so often, they can address issues with the order right away, saving you time and frustration later on. Example: Maybe the UI shows on the screen too fast, maybe the gun system doesn’t account for bullet drop, maybe the 3D model is the wrong color, etc.

For the Freelancer:

  • They get immediate and recurring payment, depending on how fast they are able to work. Knowing that they’re going to get another $50 as soon as they finish the current system is extremely motivating for them to continue. This also ensures that the clients get their orders done fast.
  • They aren’t stressing about a large project due at a particular deadline. They have a more manageable small feature to get done. This is like the freelancer only concerned about getting the database done in 3 days, as opposed to trying to get the entire game done in 2 months. It’s nice and orderly.

For Both Sides:

  • If the client intended on scamming the freelancer (free work for little money), they can’t, because the freelancer is only required to finish a small milestone until the next payment. In our example, it would be like me having to show that the database has been completed. I’m not required to finish the entire pet system or the entire game. Just the database for the first milestone. This way, if the client tries to scam, then they have paid $50 and they have received the database part. If they ghost the freelancer after that, then the freelancer has made $50 and they received the database part. No scam there.
  • If the freelancer intended on scamming the client, the client loses a very small amount of money, compared to the large budget that they may have had. In our example, if the freelancer intended on scamming the client, then the freelancer would’ve taken the $50 and ran away with it. That’s $50. Not $1,000. A lot of money saved.

And that’s it for today!

I hope this milestone system helps you avoid scams.

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