Category: Computer Science
What is Gradient Descent in Machine Learning?
In this article, I’ll be explaining what gradient descent is in machine learning in a simple and easy to understand way. What is Gradient Descent in Machine Learning? Gradient descent is an optimization algorithm used in machine learning to predict data. This is a probably really confusing explanation. So, please keep reading so that we…
My Advice for New Students in Computer Science
A few people have reached out to me, asking for my advice for new students thinking about going into computer science. So, here it is! About Me Hi! I’m Kushal, currently a 4th year computer science student, studying at the Rochester Institute of Technology and I’ve been scripting Roblox games and writing code since 2016.…
Merge Sort – Explained with Visuals
What is Merge Sort in One Sentence? Merge Sort is a computer science sorting algorithm, which essentially means that it takes a bunch of numbers and puts them in order. What is an Example of Merge Sort? We’ll start with a worked example to illustrate what merge sort is all about. Let’s say that I…